Virtual Training in the Medical Sector

Explore and train for improved safety

Imagine to explore hospital equipment and procedures in a realistic virtual setting without having to occupy the actual physical hospital? 
These days many healthcare professionals are overworked and downtime is extraordinarily limited. Our virtual training platform allows medical specialists to refresh their skills and adapt to new procedures at any time — at home or on-site. This significantly reduces the time and money spent on training and frees downtime to spend with family. 

Getinge Experience Center

Supportive and collaborative virtual training 

The pace of change in healthcare is accelerating rapidly. New techniques and technologies are always being introduced.

However, since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, there is limited time for new product training or continuing education — particularly offsite education. Virtual reality provides a scalable, cost-effective method for improving confidence, educating staff, and building team trust.


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Specialist knowledge in a virtual setting 

We create virtual simulators that cost a fraction of a physical on-site simulator.

We believe that learning can be fun. Our platform combines immersive virtual reality technology, gamification techniques, high-quality graphics, and advanced instructional design to create an engaging and collaborative system.

While it may feel like fun and games compared to a classroom, trainees are actually learning skills and earning real certificates, all while building relationships with teammates.

Expo2020 Getinge

Join the virtual hospital with your colleagues at a low cost

Virtual reality doesn’t require a massive investment. Stand-alone VR headsets are available for $300 in most consumer electronic stores, and setup is as easy as getting a new mobile phone.

Training can also be accessed on tablets and PCs — no special equipment required. 

Having fun? Bring a friend. Learning is always more fun with friends and colleagues. You can include up to 15 people together in one virtual simulator to work and learn together using VR headsets, PCs and tablets. You can see each other, collaborate, and communicate together across devices. 

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