Virtual wind turbine

Digital Simulators - Siemens Gamesa

Building the world's first wind power plant in 1991, Siemens Gamesa has grown to become a global leader in offshore power generation. 

Kanda has delivered digital simulators of the wind turbines and provided Siemens Gamesa with a flexible and cost-reductive training solution.

Train safely and avoid incidences

Assembling and handling service operations in the offshore wind business may introduce dangerous situations. It is crucial to handle the tools at hand properly to avoid incidences when assembling wind turbines. 

Together with Siemens Gamesa, we have developed digital simulators where several people can collaborate and practice hands-on training in a safe virtual environment. 

The teams from Siemens Gamesa can train with a virtual Turner tool, a specialized piece of equipment used in the assembly of wind turbines. The Turner tool is crucial to secure a proper installation, but it is expensive to rent and operate - and thus a perfect case for virtual training.

Siemens Gamesa Logo  Siemens Gamesa

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy is one of the world's leading supplier of wind power.

With a singular focus on renewable energy sector, they have installed products and technology in more than 90 countries, and employ more than 23,000 professionals worldwide.

Visit their website →

A safe and cost-saving solution

Currently, Siemens Gamesa has replaced 3 out of 4 physical training sessions with an easy accessible  VR training - a strong case for a safe training environment with an effective learning output.

Our digital simulators of wind turbines provide Siemens Gamesa with an opportunity to scale their training programs massively and allow their technicians to train from everywhere. 

The ability for trainees to interact with their colleagues and get familiar with the physical wind turbine as a digital simulator has turned out to be a strong business case and example of an effective digital transformation. 

Key Results


Reduced hands-on training
Siemens Gamesa has replaced 3 out of 4 physical training sessions with an easy accessible VR training 

Up to 60%

Cost Reduction
On instructors, flight tickets, accomodation
and material costs of running physical on-site simulators

Up to 40%

Increase Procedure Familiarity 
Leading to reduced production time and less after-installation adjustments with VR training
VR is a potent tool for enhancing the retention rate. Particularly, the ability to cooperate and communicate in VR adds an additional level to the learning outcome. VR ensures that we can reduce the needed hands-on training by 70-80%. This is done by practicing processes and procedures in a safe virtual environment.
Kent, Head of Site Training at Siemens Gamesa
Kent Riise Neupart

Head of Site Training at Siemens Gamesa

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