Getting started with Virtual Reality

Congratulations on your new headset! On this site you will find some guides on how to get started with the headset and our Kanda VTP (Kanda Virtual Training Platform). This site consists of the following 4 steps.

1. Setting up the headset

First of all we need to setup the hardware. Please follow the instructions in the headset and use the video/PDF here on the site.

Initial setup guide Meta Quest 3 - PDF

Initial setup guide Meta Quest Pro - PDF

Initial setup guide Meta Quest 2 - PDF

2. Get the VR app

First og all you need to get the VR application. Download the guide below and follow the steps to proceed. You can either choose to do these steps on your phone or direct in the VR headset.

Getting the VR app - PDF

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3. Login to VTP on your headset

After you get the app, we need to get you started. Follow the instructions in the headset and you should be up and running soon. If you are in doubt, you can either download the manual or see this short video.

4. Controls

Here you learn more, about how to navigate at our VTP.

We see that most people finds VR pretty intuitive. There are different ways to handle the controls and navigation in VR solutions. Here you can learn how we chose to get around on the VTP and how to do different tasks.
Either choose to download the PDF or see our video (coming soon).

VTP Controls - PDF

VTP Controls GWO Courses - PDF